Women's Forum  Singapore 2024



The French Banking Federation is proud to support the Women’s Forum. Promoting women’s role in the economy is essential for society. Under the leadership of the Executive Committees of the major banks, our sector took up the issue of feminizing its teams, including management teams, very early on, in the early 2000s, well before the 2014 law on equality between women and men. We are one of the sectors with the highest percentage of women in the workforce: more than half of all bankers are women. And today, the agreements initially dedicated to the subject of gender equality are integrated into broader agreements on diversity and inclusion. We are convinced that welcoming different profiles and attracting different skills, not necessarily from "classic" academic backgrounds, enriches our sector. As a high value-added industry, we have always been able to project ourselves into the future. We will continue to do so, to attract the best, regardless of gender, background, or type of degree. We are committed to inclusion and equality and took concrete initiatives to tackle systemic gender inequality and discrimination. The banking industry reflects its customers; it echoes our local, relationship-based banking model.