Women's Forum  Singapore 2024


Alicia Kai En Khong

Coding Lab Asia



Alicia Khong is a Primary 6 student from Radin Mas Primary School. She started her programming journey since 7 years old, and she has progressed from block-based Scratch to code-based Python. For the last 2 years, she has been involved in robotics and has recently started on Arduino micro-controller. Alicia has won a number of awards related to programming and robotics. Namely, a Silver Award Winner, Judge’s Choice (Most Creative) - International Coding Showcase 2023 (Singapore/Japan). She enjoys reading mythical and fantasy fiction books during her free time.

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Learn Hub (Discovery Space)
Jun 19, 2024
2:45 PM3:30 PM

#SHECodes bootcamp: Fueling female careers in tech

Trinity HanCoding Lab AsiaStudentAlicia Kai En KhongCoding Lab AsiaStudentCandice WangCoding Lab AsiaCommunity Director
Unleash the fun in tech! Join our bootcamp to turbocharge your coding skills and flip the script on the gender gap. Did you know, only one in five new tech roles goes to women? and that In the last decade, the increase in women in ICT specialist jobs was just 1%. Let's change that together and make code a main source of opportunity boosting girls careers in tech. #GirlsCanCode