Rising Talents Network



Re-Vision Academy



Anamaria inspires and encourages others to own their power, and to lead in a way that transforms and responds to what the world needs. She is the co-founder of Leading Change Institute, which offers a new approach to participatory leadership. She is a leadership trainer at George Washington University's Center for Public Excellence and Byron Fellowship. She also works with New Ventures West as a coach and coach trainer. As a social innovator, she co-founded Aldeafeliz ecovillage in 2006 near Bogotá, Colombia, an intentional community aiming to be a demonstration center for resilience and sustainability. Anamaria has an MBA and a Masters in Environmental Management from Yale University and a BA in Biology from Mount Holyoke College. Anamaria is based in Bogotá, Colombia, and recently published her first book (October 2017), translated as "Life Re-Vision: A Guide to Find your Path when you Lost Your Way; A Journey to Rediscover your Essence, Reinvent Yourself, and Renew your Future Vision".