Rising Talents Network


Nthabiseng Mosia

Easy Solar

Co-founder & Chief Commercial Officer


NTHABISENG is the co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer at Easy Solar, one of the leading solar fin-tech companies in Africa. Easy Solar distributes and finances high-quality solar systems and appliances for those with limited access to the electric grid. Created in 2016, Easy Solar has provided power to more than 450,000 people, while creating jobs for more than 600 in both Sierra Leone and Liberia. As a South African and Ghanaian dual-citizen, Nthabi is a Pan-African at heart, passionate about building community-driven solutions to the continent’s most pressing development challenges. Nthabi was named Social Entrepreneur in 2019 by the World Economic Forum, and Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year by Forbes Africa in 2020. She lives full time in Sierra Leone and is the proud mother of a little girl.