WFG20 Italy

REPLAY: Resetting the Health Care System: the Champions for equal access to high quality of life

Oct 19, 2021 | 12:50 PM - 1:30 PM


The pandemic has revealed various inefficiencies of the health care systems around the world, underlining major gender disparities in decision-making processes, in the workforce, as well as in addressing women's needs. Women's leadership should be fully integrated in the definition of health-related policies and in the functioning of medical institutions. Such an approach will allow to reshape the whole landscape of health, ensuring that women get full access to healthcare and that specific female diseases are more easily tackled. Medical issues affecting women more than men, such as mental health issues, would also be treated through a gender lens and acknowledged as pressing social and economic challenges. The high-level speakers will give their insights to improve health outcomes and prevention policies for women in each stage of their lives. How are Governments and Businesses working together in order to reshape healthcare systems to provide equal support to both women and men? In light of the lessons learned during the Covid-19 crisis, what measures should be implemented to address all health issues?


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