Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini
International Civil Society Action Network
Founder & CEO
Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, MBE is Founder and CEO of ICAN & adjunct professer at Columbia University’s SIPA. She was the former Director of LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security. Anderlini has 25 years experience as a peace strategist working globally on conflicts, crises, violent extremism and peacebuilding including in North Africa, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. At ICAN, she spearheads the WASL network,comprising 90+ women-led peacebuilding organizations in 40 countries.
Anderlini has led groundbreaking initiatives including being a civil society leader and drafter of the seminal UNSC Resolution 1325; she was the first Gender & Inclusion expert in the UN Mediation Standby team working on Libya, Syria, Somalia & Sudan. She has led global multi-country studies on women’s contributions to peace processes; men’s roles & vulnerabilities in gangs and militias; and identity & violent extremism . She has published books including Women Building Peace: What they do, why it matters(2007) & extensively in media including in Foreign Affairs & Le Monde Diplomatique. In 2020, the UK awarded her an MBE for her services to International Peacebuilding and Women’s Rights.