Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023



As a strategic partner of the Women's Forum, BNP Paribas is convinced of the importance in building a more inclusive future and acts to create an equitable environment for all. In 2022, BNP Paribas joined forces with the Women's Forum to advance gender equality at the global level through a coalition of French women entrepreneurs: accompanying them in the launch and development of their entrepreneurial projects and mobilizing the right investors to accelerate the growth of their business. BNP Paribas is also committed to fighting economic violence through numerous initiatives and in collaboration with partners such as 1in3Women, the leading European network of companies committed to combatting domestic violence. From supporting youth and gender equality in the workplace, to combatting violence against women, to helping the most vulnerable, BNP Paribas marks its engagement with one aspiration: to serve the society we live in by providing equal opportunities.

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