Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Zoya Lytvyn


Head and Founder


Zoya Lytvyn is an education entrepreneur and activist from Ukraine. She is the founder of NGO Osvitoriа and an innovative K11 Novopecherska School. Lytvyn works to improve education by providing equal access, training teachers, and implementing know-hows. During COVID-19 pandemics, Lytvyn and her team built the first national online education platform, used by more than 2 million students. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, she is working to minimize educational loss. She is Woman Entrepreneur of the Year by UN’s WE Empower and a Merited Educator awarded by President Zelensky. As a speaker at the Global TED 2022, Lytvyn fundraised more than 2.5 million USD for humanitarian needs.

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