Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Sandra Djukanovic

VENDOM d.o.o.



Sandra Đukanović is the owner and CEO company Vendom, a leading producer and exporter in the field of metal industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Along with the etablishment of her private company Sandra, as a master of communication sciences, also builted her media career, working for 23 years as an editor on national television. Sandra has successfully led the Vendom company and a team of 200 people for more than decade years, working constantly to improve production technology, business culture, digitization and energy efficiency through various projects related to innovation and technological development that are directly or indirectly supported by the EU. She was awarded twice by the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska as an entrepreneur in 2028 and in 2022 for an innovative product. Due to her contribution to the metal industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sandra was recognized as Lady of the Year at the Strong Woman conference in 2019, and in 2023 she received the award for green woman entrepreneur from the Regional Cooperation Council. Sandra successfully runs two more companies, one of which deals with metal production and sales, and the other with logistics and services. In addition to work, Sandra continued her professional development through doctoral studies, she is engaged in humanitarian work and emphasizes that she is first and foremost a mother of three boys and a family woman. Physically he lives and works in BiH, but in spirit he is a resident of the world.