Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Alain Dolium

T4H- Technology For Humanity



A solid expertise in designing, developing and delivering social impact strategies (including a profitable growth) through change in digital and telecom industry. Hands-on leadership experience of creation of social and economic development ecosystem, in particular in the emerging markets e.g Africa (Cote d’Ivoire, Rwanda, DRC, …) and Latin America (Brazil, Columbia, …). Alain Dolium is a recognized expert on Digital Transformation and economic and social innovation (Social Impact thanks to ICTs) with more than 26 years of experience. Before co-creating T4H- Technology For Humanity and acting as group CEO, he was executive board member in charge of various areas like General Management or Chief Strategist, innovation and Digital Transformation officer for large corporations (DHL, CBS, Connectik…).Concerning T4H, this social impact company develops an innovative ecosystems to enable the implementation of the United Nation SDGs and to support the generation of inclusive global growth, based on two branches : - a telecom and digital branch by providing the first global citizen smartphone dedicated to the vulnerable people to offer in few click essential services ; financial inclusion, education, employment, sport and inclusion - a pure sport and inclusion branch by providing sport infrastructures from olympic villages to stadiums for large sport events , then after the events by creating an heritage program in order to speed up inclusion

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