Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Amani Ballour

Syrian American Medical Society SAMS

Physician- Advocacy officer


Amani Ballour is a Syrian resident pediatrician, who has received the distinguished Raoul Wallenberg prize 2020 for her courage and humanitarian work as a doctor in an underground secret hospital The Cave during the siege of Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus. For six years she saved thousands of lives and became the first and only woman manager of the hospital at the age of 29 - until she reluctantly had to leave 4 years later. She is currently living in the USA. Amani graduated from the faculty of medicine at Damascus University in 2012 and started studying pediatric, but only for less than a year due to the war. She decided not to flee, but stay in The Cave and help her countrymen and women under the siege, bombardments and starvation for six years. Amani is working now as advocacy officer for SAMS " Syrian American medical society ".