Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Nada Khalidi

Unicef Morocco



My name is Nada Khalidi, and I'm 16 years old. I'm a second-year baccalaureate student studying physical science. My interests and hobbies are volunteering and assoiative work, traveling and discovering new places and new cultuers. I carry a special interest for animals that I fixed the objective of protecting them by creating my own association in the future, and I'm currently improving my speaking skills in English as well as in French .I'm also a member of the Participatory Committee for Youth and Adolescents in UNICEF Morocco. Through this committee, I've been able to improve my communication and other skills by participating in various activities, especially those focused on girls' development and gender discrimination. I'm particularly passionate about the development of women in rural areas, as I come from the region of El Kbab. I'm committed to fighting against discrimination and all types of gender-based violence. Concerning the activities related to this topic, in which I participated previously, it is a forum that was held in my school and was attended by a group of legal frameworks, including female judges and lawyers... where we had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the protection of the law for women. This event was held to celebrate International Women's Rights Day. I also participated in one of the "UNICEF appointments", which was also organized on the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, where we got to know girls from the village of Ahl al-Marabaa and listened to their inspiring stories and their pursuit of their dreams, as some of them spoke of stereotypes. In order for them to be able to practice their favorite sport, football, and some of them excelled in their studies, and an expressive play was presented on this topic, and finally it ended with expressive and encouraging words from parents to their daughters. Speaking of rural girls' education, as a member of CPAJ, we visited one of the "second chance" centers where we met a group of village girls who had dropped out of school only because of insecurity, lack of equipment, or lack of awareness of parents, which leads them to force their daughters to get married. .. We also listened to parents and their opinions about this topic, and we also had the chance to ask some of the educational frameworks some questions to find out the reasons why girls drop out of school in their views. We also have organized an awareness workshop on mental health, benefiting the students of Omar Bin Al-Khattab High School and their mothers in the Wadi Lao region. In part, we touched on the importance of mental health for girls, especially during menstruation. And one of the most exciting experiences I had was being chosen to represent the committee and my country, Morocco, at an event that took place in Amman, Jordan, to celebrate the International Day of the Girls . It is the" Arab Girl Summit" that brought together more than 80 girls from different Arab countries to discuss the current situation of girls in the Arab world and come up with recommendations for decision makers on 4 topics: education, freedom and access to justice, health,and participation and leadership. For me, I was a member of the Steering Committee, which consisted of 6 girls who prepared and planned this event since its inception, and it was a very inspiring event

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