Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Cécile Schall




After business school and 15 years of marketing & communication in large international groups, Cécile Schall decided to return to her passion for art. She made her mark by launching the contemporary art fair Affordable Art Fair in 2008 in Paris and then in Brussels, helping to make this brand a global success; The fair is now established in 15 cities on 4 continents. In 2011, she created the fotofever photography art fair as an alternative to Paris Photo, convinced that photography is the ideal medium to open the art market to a wider audience. After 15 events organized in Paris, Brussels, Arles and Lille with the participation of 600 galleries and 1600 artists, covid sounded the death knell for fotofever. If for a time she had the hope of concluding an agreement with a financial partner to revive the fair, she seized the opportunity of the announced end of fotofever to immerse herself in her family history from which her passion for promotion stems. of the photographic medium and its authors. She then resumes her dream which was abruptly interrupted 20 years ago: to promote the photographic work of her grandfather Roger Schall (1904-1995), a forgotten treasure made up of some 100,000 negatives, 4000 contact sheets, 4000 pages of publications in the prestigious magazines such as Vogue, Vu, Match, Life, Picture Post… A precursor of humanist photography, Roger Schall was one of the greatest reporters of his time. He had created one of the most important photo agency with his brother Raymond Schall, thanks to whom he was able to devote himself to reporting while his brother ensured the follow-up of contracts with magazines, the printing of photographs for the magazines then the management of the team...Schall Frères was a company of 15 people. 100 years later, Cécile Schall, under the leadership of her son Lucas d'Aram, initiated the creation of a family company, SCHALL Collection, whose mission is to reintegrate Roger Schall into the pantheon of the great French photographers of the 20th century, same title as Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau, Ronis…as he was in his time. The composition, light, poetry and humanity of his photographs are the characteristics of his work, both artistic and historical.

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