Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Siyabulela Mandela

Journalists for Human Rights

Independent Consultant on International Development, Conflict Resolution and International Relations


Dr. Siyabulela Mandela is currently an Independent Contractor in International Development, Human Rights and Peace and Conflict Resolution and currently contracted to Journalist for Human Rights (JHR) headquartered in Toronto, Canada and Thomson and Reuters Foundation (TRF), headquartered in London, United Kingdom. He is former Regional Project Manager for East and Southern Africa at Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) and a Country Director of for JHR’s project focused on strengthening media, human rights and supporting the peace process in South Sudan. Dr. Mandela holds a Master of Philosophy in Conflict Transformation and Management and a Ph.D. in International Relations and Conflict resolution from the Department of Politics and History at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. His career interests and expertise include diplomacy, Human Rights Advocacy, international relations, African politics, conflict resolution, foreign policy and history. Dr. Mandela, has delivered academic papers, published book chapters and spoke on topics of human rights, development, peace, reconstruction and conflict resolution in Africa and globally, on different parts of the world including Italy; Portugal; United States of America; Canada; Republic of Ecuador, Brazil etc.