Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Arwa Alhamad


Data & Cybersecurity Director


Arwa Alhamad is a Data & Cybersecurity Head at Hevolution Foundation. She has 14+ years of experience in the field of cybersecurity, specializing in governance, risk, and compliance. Throughout her career, she has successfully established Five departments from ground zero. Her experience spans local and global organizations in various industries. In addition to that, she is an active cybersecurity advocate, speaker, and advisory board member of several non-profit associations and educational institutes. She received her master’s degree in security in computing from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia and her Global Executive MBA from INSEAD Business School. She holds several professional certificates such as CISSP, CISM, GPEN, PMP, and ISO27001, 20000, and 9001. She also holds executive certifications from MIT Sloan Executive Education and INSEAD Business School. Arwa is a proud Saudi daughter, wife, and mother of two angels and on on her free time she enjoys spending time exploring the fantastic underwater world being an advance open water Scuba Diver.