Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Caitlin Kraft-Buchman

Women at the Table / A+ Alliance Inclusive Algorithms



CEO/Founder Women at the Table – a gender equality & systems change CSO based in Switzerland & Co-Founder/Leader A+ Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms – a global coalition ensuring a world where machine learning does not wire already biased systems into our future - leader of its offshoot f a+i r feminist AI research network. A+ Alliance is a leader of the UN Women Generation Equality Action Coalition for Technology & Innovation. Caitlin was a co-chair of the Expert Group for CSW67 whose theme in 2023 was Technology & Innovation. She leads the AI & Equality Human Rights Toolbox initiative consisting of workshops, new online course, and a community dedicated to bringing a global movement of computer & data scientists, policymakers and social scientists together in conversation on a human rights-based approach to inclusion at the core of the code. Women At The Table is the Civil Society lead of the World Benchmarking Alliance’s Digital Inclusion Collective Impact Coalition with private sector investment partners focused on helping technology companies adopt AI guidelines. Caitlin is also the co-founder, and serves on the Global Board of the International Gender Champions which brings together female & male heads of organizations to break down gender barriers, with hubs in Geneva, New York, Vienna, Nairobi, The Hague & Paris .