Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023



100 000 entrepreneurs



For over 30 years, Philippe Hayat has created and taken over several companies in the fields of industry, technology, services, and investment. In 2007, he founded the non-profit association 100 000 Entrepreneurs, whose aim is to instill the desire for entrepreneurship by organizing entrepreneurs' testimonials in schools. He also created the "Entrepreneurship" programs at ESSEC and Sciences Po Paris. Philippe Hayat has published 4 essays on entrepreneurship for the younger generation: L'entreprise, un acteur clé de la société (Autrement), Entreprenez ! (L'Archipel), L'entrepreneur et l'indigné (Ellipse), L'avenir à portée de main (Allary). Philippe Hayat has also published 3 novels : Momo des Halles (Allary), Où bat le cœur du monde (Calmann-Lévy) and La loi du désordre (Calmann-Lévy).

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