Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Kawser Amine

Women's solidarity for peace and leadership



Kawser Amine, Founder and CEO of Women Solidarity For Peace and Leadership (WSPL), serves as a Global Goodwill Ambassador for GGAF and is a Commissioner for Women and Girls' Status in the State of California. Raised in Kabul, Afghanistan, she earned her bachelor's degree in general management and international relations from New Delhi, India. As a former athlete, refugee, speaker, activist, and advocate for gender equality, female empowerment, and peace through sports and storytelling, she has led women's leadership and soccer clubs in Afghanistan. Her experience spans advisory and high-level roles in government, international organizations, and the radio sector. Kawser is passionate about amplifying marginalized women's voices and supporting women across societal domains. Her advocacy includes leveraging sports for social impact, promoting gender equality and justice, and advocating for international migration policy and welcoming.

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