Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Michèle Taylor

US Mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council


Ambassador Michèle Taylor's commitment to human rights advocacy is deeply personal, stemming from her lineage as the daughter and granddaughter of Holocaust survivors. Her role at the UN Human Rights Council is the latest chapter in a lifetime of work towards the empowerment of women and girls, breaking barriers in STEM, addressing violence and discrimination, and amplifying diverse voices. Her work in public service is marked by a focus on the rights of marginalized communities, LGBTQI+ advocacy, promoting civil and human rights, and leadership development, including Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, across private and public industries. A proponent of mentorship and redefining societal norms of femininity, Taylor brings a wealth of experience to the United Nations Human Rights Council and as an International Gender Champion in Geneva. She holds a B.A. in liberal arts and an M.A. in mathematics, credentials that underscore her commitment to creating opportunities in education and beyond.