Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Elisabeth RICHARD


Director of civil society relations, ENGIE - Member of the Haut Conseil à l’Egalité (French Government)


Elisabeth Richard is Director of Relations with Civil Society at ENGIE. She is also chairwoman of the “Women In Networking by ENGIE” network and a member of the High Council for Gender Equality (French government). Within the framework of her responsibilities regarding the gender mix, she has developed and implemented an ambitious policy, resulting in her company being a leading player in this area for more than 15 years. Beyond the numerous high value-added initiatives in addition to this policy, Elisabeth has helped set costed targets in gender equality and has developed mentoring programmes to encourage the emergence of talented women. She has also helped mobilise the networks around the EgaPro Index set up by Muriel Pénicaud, France's Minister for Labour regarding equal pay. She was a member of the Working Committee created following the Grenelle conferences on domestic violence (with the Ministry of Labour) and she facilitated the passing of the Rixain Law on balanced representation between women and men in management positions alongside Elisabeth Moreno, minister in charge of gender equality, diversity and equal opportunities. Elisabeth Richard was recently one of the 12 signatories of the manifesto developed by economic stakeholders in France against violence. In June 2022, Elisabeth Richard was appointed as a qualified person to the High Council for Gender Equality, and she is a member of the committee on violence against women. The daughter and granddaughter of entrepreneurs, Elisabeth is committed to ensuring that women's voices are always louder and more powerful… and that they embody the values of solidarity, confidence and benevolence as effectively as possible. Elisabeth Richard is a member of the board of ENGIE Foundation, a member of the France Télévision Foundation's board of directors and vice-president of Capital Filles. She is vice president of the Ensemble contre le Sexisme (together against sexism) collective and France co-chair of the Global Summit of Women (US nonprofit organisation). Elisabeth Richard was made a Chevalier de légion d’Honneur (Legion of Honour) in 2022 and a Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite (National Order of Merit) in 2015.