Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Virginie Herz

France 24

Managing editor


Virginie Herz is a managing editor, chief of the reporters team at the international news channel France 24, where she previously worked as a senior foreign affairs editor and created 'Actuelles', a show about women's rights that she anchored for nine years. Franco-German, Virginie Herz studied political science, European affairs and journalism in France and in Germany with stints in the UK and Spain. She started her career a as a freelance correspondent in Thailand, and covered many international stories from high-level summits to the civil war in Libya and the Arab Spring as a reporter (filming and on-air correspondent.) Her report on the Guinean putsch leader, Dadis Camara, was nominated for two major French Journalism awards (Albert Londres, Bayeux). In 2018, she won the gold medal in broadcast journalism (the Ricardo Ortega prize) awarded by the U.N Correspondents’ Association for her show highlighting gender inequalities. Virginie Herz is also an experienced moderator of conferences