Women's Forum Global Meeting 2023


Céline GRECO

Necker-enfants malades hospital

Professor of medicine


Céline Greco is professor of medicine, head of the pain department at Necker-enfants maladies hospital, in charge of an Inserm research team working on pain in genetic skin diseases at Imagine Institut (Paris). As a survivor of child abuse, she get involved in child protection in 2013 with the publication of “La Démesure” (Céline Raphael). She worked with the french Ministry of Families, Children and Women's Rights in order to create a new law for children protection as of the 14th of March, 2016 and contributed to the first French action plan against child abuse. She is a board member of the French National Council of Child Protection. She is the president of IM'PACTES association which aims to encourage, develop and promote health, education and access to culture for children victims of violence.

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