WFG20 Italy

REPLAY: Speeding up economic and professional parity: the Champions for a gender-balanced governance

Oct 19, 2021 | 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM


It is imperative that women have the same opportunities as men to access leadership positions. In the last decades, some countries have established gender quotas in order to ensure equal representation of women on boards. Important results have been obtained through these measures, namely the integration of diverse visions and professionalisation at the highest levels of governance. Among others, France and Italy have enacted cornerstone laws (the Copé-Zimmermann Law and the Golfo-Mosca Law), which - ten years after - have demonstrated their success. It is now time to ensure that parity is respected at all stages of decision-making: the representation of women in strategic positions has to be implemented according to a principle of granularity, including the top management as well as the levels below. In particular, France is already envisioning a new law which aims to achieve this ambitious objective. The high-level speakers will make an assessment of the existing measures and propose some insightful recommendations. What are the legislative tools which should be adopted to advance women’s representation at all levels?


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