WFG20 Italy


Star Jones

Instant Impact Group, LLC.

US Media Personality; Co-Founder


Star Jones is an attorney, former New York city homicide prosecutor, best- selling author and an Emmy award nominated TV host. She is co-founder of the Instant Impact Group, LLC.; Executive Editor of the Marquis Who’s Who “Maker’s Lists;” on the Editorial Board of the Women's Forum for the Economy & Society; a former member of the Board of Directors, life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and National Volunteer for the American Heart Association. Ms. Jones was an original co-host of ABC’s The View for nine years and is a Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame inductee. Founder of the Brown Girls Fundraising Collective, she was a national surrogate and major fundraiser for the Biden/Harris 2020 presidential campaign and a member of the National Finance Committee.

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