Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


These General Terms and Conditions of online registration (hereafter the “T&Cs”) on the website https://events.womens-forum.com/women-s-forum-global-meeting-2024 (hereafter the “Website”) constitute an agreement between any individual effecting an online reservation for one of the events organized by WEFCOS (hereafter the “Participant(s)”) and the company WEFCOS (hereafter “WEFCOS”, Société par Actions Simplifiée [French simplified joint-stock company] with capital of EUR 521 630, having its registered office at 133 AVENUE DES CHAMPS-ELYSEES, 75008 PARIS, France, registered with the Registry of Trade and Companies of Paris under the number 481 681 823, and the VAT number FR09 481 681 823.

Any online registration implies the acceptance of these T&Cs. The Applicant must click the relevant hypertext link to consult these T&Cs and indicate her/his acceptance hereof by ticking the corresponding box before any online registration. The T&Cs are provided to Applicants on the Website, where they may be viewed at any time.

WEFCOS reserves the right to modify these T&Cs at any time. The relationship between WEFCOS and the Applicant shall be governed by the T&Cs in force on the date on which the registration is approved. These T&Cs shall apply to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. WEFCOS recommends that the Participant read the T&Cs carefully each time she/he visits the Website and prior to any online registration.

Article 1 – Purpose

The T&Cs define the registration and payment allowing Participants to access and/or participate to the events organized by WEFCOS. By registering, the Participant will also be able to access the Women’s Forum web community.

In order to register for an event via the Website, the Participant expressly declares that she/he has the necessary legal capacity to enter into this agreement, i.e. that she/he is above the legal age of majority and is not in care or protected as a vulnerable adult. 

Article 2 – Description

Women’s Forum meetings/events aim to bring together leaders from all over the world – women and men – to consider new perspectives on key issues; to create a powerful, global network in order to strengthen the influence of women throughout the world; to draw up innovative and concrete action plans to encourage women’s contribution to society; and to promote diversity in the business world.

The list of events, the program, the date, time and place of such events are available on the Website.

WEFCOS reserves the right to amend the program, date, time and place of the events if the actual circumstances make it necessary and the Participant cannot oppose such modifications or ask for a compensation of any kind. In case of modifications or cancellation of the events, WEFCOS will alert the Participant as soon as possible.

 Article 3 – Online registration to a WEFCOS event 

Registration can be made exclusively via the Website.

By registering online the Participant agrees to be bound by the T&Cs.

The Applicant is responsible for all Internet connection and access costs. 

The Website is normally accessible to Applicants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of: a case of force majeureas defined by case law of the Court of Cassation

an Internet outage temporary suspension of the Website on technical grounds (updates, maintenance or other technical reasons).

The registration process works as follows:

First the Applicant must select the event she/he wants to register for

In order to access the registration form, the Applicant may either use her/his account identifiers if she/he is already a member of the Women’s Forum or apply directly as a new user

Once the registration process is initiated, the Applicant must provide general information about her/him and her/his organization (required information will be marked with an asterisk)

The Applicant is then provided with information regarding the applicable price The Applicant is then asked to tick the T&Cs’ acceptance box, to choose the desired payment method, to provide her/his invoicing information and to submit her/his payment

Once this stage is complete, the registration is confirmed

If WEFCOS approves the application, it will notify the Applicant and charge her/his card three days later. If the application is not approved, the card will not be charged.

The Applicant warrants WEFCOS that the details provided during the registration process are accurate and correct. Under no circumstances may WEFCOS be held liable in the event that it is unable to fulfil the registration under the agreed conditions because the Applicant has provided inaccurate or incomplete information.

The Applicant’s username and password are strictly personal and confidential. The Applicant is entirely responsible for the storage and use of her/her username and password. Any registration using this username and password shall be deemed to have been made by the Applicant. 

 Article 4 – Prices 

The prices of the online registration quoted on the Website (inclusive of all taxes, in particular the Value Added Tax at the applicable rate in France) are in euros or in dollars for the Participants who are not a national of a European Union Member State. Information regarding the applicable price and its content are provided during the registration process.

WEFCOS reserves the right to amend its prices at any time. However, the Applicant will be invoiced at the price in effect at the point at which she/he confirms the purchase order. 

 Article 5 – Payment terms 

Payment is due, in full, upon placement of the order. An order will only be confirmed once full payment has been made for the event concerned.

Payment is made by credit/debit card. Your credit car will be charged immediately upon payment.

Article 6 – Cancellation 

Participant registrations are personal and may not be exchanged with or transferred/sold to any other person.

Substituting Participants in similar position is subject to approval by the Organizing Committee.
By accepting these T&Cs, the Participant acknowledges that she/he waives her/his right of withdrawal since she/he benefits from the services offered by WEFCOS right after her/his registration, including in particular the online access to the Women’s Forum Web Community. 

The Participant cannot cancel its subscription except if such possibility is expressly indicated in written by WEFCOS during the registration process.

All entry fees are non-refundable and may not be deferred toward a future event. 

Article 7 – Intellectual Property

By accepting the T&Cs herein, the Participant authorizes the WEFCOS to reproduce the Participant information (biography, company profile and photograph) in the Women’s Forum online network with strict limited access as well as other printed documents that might be handed out to participants during the event the participant is registering for.

Participant hereby also grants WEFCOS a royalty free license to its patrimonial rights in and to any of its contributions during the annual conference and meetings all around the world (including inter alia any speeches, reports, memorandums, presentations) in particular the right to reproduce, represent, translate, adapt, modify and commercialize such contributions on any format known or unknown to this date. All Participants authorize WEFCOS to use pictures or films of the Participant taken during the Women’s Forum events on any format (full or partial format) on any media (télévision, print magazines and newspapers, radios, websites, cinemas, all social networks including youtube, Twitter, Instagram and on their Website) for any use including advertising.

Such rights are granted for the territory of the entire world and as far as intellectual property rights are concerned, for the duration of intellectual property rights, and as far as images rights are concerned, indefinitely.

In addition, Participant hereby authorizes WEFCOS to grant its partners the right to reproduce and represent pictures or films of the Participant taken during the event on any format including on their Website, at any time worldwide. If you want to withdraw your consent please send us an email to the following address privacyofficer@publicisgroupe.com or WF-Office@womens-forum.com 

The Website and all constituent elements appearing on the Website (graphics, texts, visuals and photographs), including all illustrations, images, photographs, characters, texts, decorative elements, presentation methods, graphic design and other elements of the Website (hereafter the “Elements”) are and shall remain the exclusive property of WEFCOS or any rights holders having granted a usage license to WEFCOS, and are protected by intellectual property rights. Under no circumstances may the Website and any of the Elements appearing on the Website be modified, reproduced, represented, distributed, displayed, sold or incorporated into a derivative work, whether in whole or in part, in any format and on any medium whatsoever. In general, the Website and all Elements appearing on the Website may only be used for the purpose of browsing the Website and, where applicable, for making purchases.

Article 8 – Data Protection

WEFCOS collects and processes personal data provided directly by the Participant in particular when she/he creates a personal account or places an order.

For more information about how WEFCOS uses and processes its users’ personal data, users are invited to published below.  

Article 9– Applicable law, disputes resolution

Acceptance of these T&Cs shall constitute a legally binding contract governed by French law.

In the event of a claim or dispute, the Applicant shall contact, as a matter of priority, the WEFCOS Applicant Services department by email to WF-Office@womens-forum.com The parties undertake to resolve any disputes amicably prior to taking legal action or resorting to mediation. Where a dispute between the parties is not resolved following a written complaint by the Applicant to the Applicant Services department by email on WF-Office@womens-forum.com, or where the department fails to reply within one (1) month, the Applicant may resort to mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method, by contacting the mediator(s) indicated in the sector-specific list at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/mediation-conso/saisir-mediateur, and/or by accessing the online European dispute resolution platform at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. The mediator(s) will then attempt to reach an amicable resolution to the dispute, in an independent and impartial manner.

The Applicant reserves the right to decide whether or not to resort to mediation. Where mediation is used, each party reserves the right to accept or reject the solution proposed by the mediator. 
Where an amicable resolution cannot be reached, the dispute shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, unless otherwise imposed by mandatory provisions of law.