Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


The WEFCOS Website Event provides information about the Event “Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024”  (the “Event”). This Privacy Notice sets out how we use and protect any information we collect through this website. 

This Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") and this Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”) are intended to provide you with information about how WEFCOS uses and protects your personal data (the “Personal Data”) collected through the WEFCOS website Event https://events.womens-forum.com/women-s-forum-singapore-meet-up (the “Website Event”). 

If you have any questions about the collection of your data please contact WEFCOS’ Chief Data Privacy Officer at privacyofficer@publicisgroupe.com

Any Personal Data collected through the Website Event will only be used for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. Once collected, Personal Data will not be used for any other incompatible purpose without your consent.

WEFCOS, a joint stock company located 133 Avenue des Champs Elysées – 75008 Paris, registered with the Paris Business and Companies’ Registry no. 481 681 823, is considered as the Controller of the Website Event. 

We take the protection of data privacy very seriously. All Personal Data collected through the Website Event will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be used as set out in this Privacy Policy. The applicable data protection laws shall be respected in full. 

Therefore, please read this Privacy Policy thoroughly. If you disagree with the way Personal Data will be used, please do not use the Website Event or provide your Personal Data through the Website Event.

We may include links on the Website Event to other websites including social media platforms. This Privacy Policy only covers how WEFCOS uses Personal Data and does not cover these other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy notices available on other websites you visit. 
I. Purpose(s) of data collection 

 The purposes of collecting Personal Data through the Website Event are to: 
  • Answer promptly and efficiently to your queries received via the contact email address provided on our Website Event; 
Manage your registrations for the Event we organize; including but not limited to : lunch, seminar, etc
  • Perform the payment of the purchase you are doing on our Website Event and to keep your vendor informed regarding the execution of this payment 
  • Publish the photos  and video  taken during the Event;
  • Manage the organization of the Event to which you have registered, in particular to communicate any useful information to you with respect to such Event; 
  • Carry out the Website Event’s maintenance and preserve the Website Event’s security. However, please note that we use Statistical Data as far as possible;
  • Enable you to access the Website Event and its functionalities, and/or provide services you requested through cookies and other trackers;
  • Calculate the environmental impact generated by the organization of the Event in order to offset it and achieve a zero carbon footprint;
  • Process and respond to your requests to exercise your rights under Section V of this Privacy Policy;   
If you no longer wish to receive communications from WEFCOS, you may at any time:
  • Unsubscribe by clicking on the link in each email you receive;
  • Use the link dedicated to the exercise of your rights in section  below. 
II. What Personal Data do we collect and process through the Website Event?

 Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (i.e. living individual). 

 1. Personal Information: First name, Last name, Email, Company, Industry, Job title, Seniority Level, Nationality, Phone Code, Phone number, University/College; 
2. Financial data : 
  • Account data such as the credit card number, CVC code, the bank account number; 
  • Identifying data such as your first and last name, your unique identifier; 
  •  Communication data such as e-mail address, telephone number; 
  • Contact data such as your home address, the delivery address; 
  • Transactional data such as type of good you have purchased, data of the purchase, use of a voucher; 
  • All of your personal data processed by us have been provided by you, either today or in the past, either directly to us or to your vendor which has forwarded your personal data to us. 
3. Photo & Biography (for speakers only);
4. Assistant Information: Name, Email, Phone number; 
5. Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram; 
 6. The content of the messages and/or queries your send us; 
 7. Photos and videos taken during the Event; 
8.Dietary restrictions you choose to share with us when necessary for certain events
9. Climate related information: Transportation mode, Country of Residence
8.  Information related to the registration to the Event, including  but not limited to, when needed : ID, student card, press card, resume, etc...

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the forms are required in order for us to process and respond to your request. If you do not provide this Personal Data, WEFCOS will not be able to process and respond to your request.
III. What legal ground(s) do we rely on?

The processing of Personal Data collected on the Public Website Event is based on:

 - our legitimate interest, when we process your private messages sent by email;
 - our legitimate interest, when we process your data in order to calculate the environmental impact generated by the organization of the Event 
- the execution of the contract, when we use your data to manage your registrations to the  Event we organize, but also its good progress, in particular to communicate you any useful information in this context; 
- the execution of the contract, when you pay your online purchase 
- our legitimate interest, when we collect financial data in order to protect the online payment business against online fraudulent payments 
- your consent, when we publish your photos and videos; 
 - our legitimate interest, when we process your data in the context of maintenance and the implementation of measures to protect the security of the Website Event; 
- our legal obligation, when we process your personal data in order to fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
- our legitimate interest, when we place necessary cookies; 
- our legal obligation, when processing your requests to exercise your rights listed under Section V of this Privacy Policy. 
IV. With whom do we share Personal Data?

Should you wish to exercise your rights listed under Section V of this Privacy Policy, the collection of your request will be performed via the form provided by our partner TrustArc, acting on our instructions and behalf as a data processor under EU regulation 2016/679 on the processing of personal data (“GDPR”). Once your request is sent to the WEFCOS, TrustArc shall immediately delete it from its servers and other IT tools. 

 We will not share your Personal Data with any third party, except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy. 

 Your Personal Data can be shared:
 - In the context of a merge, acquisition or sale of all or part of the agency’s assets, to successors in title to our business, 
 - to establish, exercise or defend our rights,  
- or where required by law, to respond to requests from legal or administrative organizations, government organizations or a judge. 

 If the services of third parties for hosting, technical maintenance, administration or processing of the Personal Data are necessary, these third parties will only have access to the Personal Data insofar it is necessary to ensure a smooth and secure technical processing of our Website Event, and software In every case, such access to your Personal Data will only be made in accordance with the applicable law, including Data confidentiality, privacy and security obligations. 
V. Your rights on your Personal Data

In accordance with applicable privacy law, you may exercise the following rights with respect to the Personal Data we hold about you:

• Right to information 

 You have the right to obtain clear, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information regarding how we use your Personal Data and regarding your rights. This is why we provide you such information in this Privacy Policy. 

 • Right of access to your Personal Data 

 You can access all Personal Data we hold about you, know the origin of this Personal Data and obtain a copy in an understandable format. 
 You may also use your right to access your Personal Data to control the exactness of the data and have them rectified or deleted. You have no justification to provide to exercise your right to access; 

 • Right to rectify your Personal Data 

In order to avoid that inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data relating to you is process or shared, you can ask us to rectify them. 

 • Right to the deletion of your Personal Data: 

 You may request the erasure or deletion of the Personal Data we hold on you. This is not an absolute right since we may have to keep your Personal Data for legal or legitimate reasons. You may, for example, exercise your right to deletion in the following cases:
 o if you have withdrawn your consent to the processing (see below);
 o if you legitimately objected to the processing of your data (see below);
 o when data is not or is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was initially collected or processed; 
o the data is processed unlawfully (e.g., publishing hacked data).

• Right to object to the processing of your Personal Data

When we process your Personal Data based on our legitimate interest (to determine to which processing this applies, please refer to Section III of this Privacy Policy), you may at any time object to the processing of your Personal Data for reasons relating to your personal situation. We may nevertheless, on a case-by-case basis, reject such a request by pointing out the legitimate and imperious reasons justifying the processing of this data which prevail on your interests, rights and freedoms, or when this data is necessary to establish, exercise or defend a right before a Court.

• Right to limit the processing of your Personal Data
The right to limit the processing completes your other rights. This right means that the data processing relating to you and that we are performing is limited, so that we may keep this data, but we cannot use it or process it in any other manner. This right applies in specific circumstances, i.e.: 

o if you challenge the exactness of your Personal Data. The processing is then limited for a period of time so that the agency may verify the exactness of the Personal Data;
 o if the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of your Personal Data and request instead that its use be limited; 
o if we do not need the Personal Data for the purposes mentioned above in Section I anymore, but you still need it to establish, exercise or defend rights before a Court; and
 o in the cases where you objected to the processing which is based on the legitimate interests of the agency, you may ask to limit the processing for the time necessary for us to verify if we can accept your objection request (i.e., the time necessary to verify whether the legitimate reasons of the agency prevail over yours). 

• Right to object to data processing for direct marketing purpose

You may unsubscribe or object, at any time and without any justification, to the reception of direct marketing communications. Simply either (i) click on the link in the footer of the communications you receive from us; or (ii) use the hyperlink below.

• Right to portability of your Personal Data

You may request to retrieve the Personal Data you provided us with, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, for personal use or to share them with a third party of your choice. 

 This right only applies to Personal Data you provided us with, directly or indirectly, and which was processed through automated means, if this processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract. Please check the list of our Personal Data processing activities’ legal grounds (in Section III of this Privacy Policy) to know whether our processing is based on the performance of a contract or on consent. 

• Right to withdraw consent at any time to the processing of Data carried out on the basis of such consent

 You may read Section III of this Privacy Policy in order to identify the purposes for which the processing of your Personal Data is based on your consent. 

 • Right to give instructions on the fate of your Data after your death. 

 You may define directives on the storing, erasure and sharing of your Personal Data after your death. These directive may be general, i.e. cover all your Personal Data, or specific, i.e. only cover certain data processing activities. 

Please click on this link https://publicisresources-privacy.my.onetrust.com/webform/a57c3297-68d3-4bc0-8843-262957a92400/65726a98-c95a-4f05-bf6e-57a02bca016e and follow the instructions accessible via this link if you wish to exercise any of the rights listed above. If we have reasonable doubts as to your identity, we may ask you to attach any document enabling proof of your identity, in order to avoid any risk of impersonation. If we receive your request by electronic means, we will respond electronically unless you specify, in the comments field of the data subject rights form, that you wish to obtain a response via other means, such as by mail. We will respond without undue delay and in any event within one month from the data we receive your request. This timeframe can be extended by two months to take the complexity of the request or the number of requests received into account. In this case, we will inform you within one month from receiving your request, specifying the reasons for extending the response timeframe. If you feel that we are not complying with this Privacy Policy, if you are not satisfied with the way we have dealt with your request or if your request has been refused, you may also file a formal complaint with your competent authority for the protection of Personal Data (in France, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et Liberté (CNIL): https://www.cnil.fr). However, we invite you to contact our Data Protection Officer at privacyofficer@publicisgroupe.com before filing a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.
VI. Data retention periods 

 We store your Personal Data in accordance with the applicable legal requirements for data retention and our internal policies. The data retention will vary depending on the type of data and the purposes of processing. 

 The Personal Data collected for the registration and the access to the Event are kept for a period of thirty-six months from your last connection. 

 Photos taken during the Event are kept for a period of of three (3) years from your last connection.    

The Personal Data collected for provide you with the newsletter are kept for a period of three (3) years from your last connection. The financial data collected to provide payment services, will store your personal data for the period of time we are legally obliged to do so, being 3 years as from the moment we receive the personal data. One exception to the retention of financial data : the CVC code that you provide when you pay with a credit card. The retention period for this CVC code is maximum 2 hours as from the moment that we receive it. 

VII. Data Security 

 We use a variety of methods, such as firewalls, intrusion detection software and manual security procedures, to secure your data against loss or damage and to help protect the accuracy and security of Personal Data and to prevent unauthorized access or improper use. If you think that the Website Event or any Personal Data is not secure or that there has been unauthorized access to the Website Event or your Personal Data, please contact privacyofficer@publicisgroupe.com immediately.    

VIII. Data Transfers

 Given the international nature of our activities, your Personal Data are transferred outside the European Union. For the provision of the Website Event your Personal Data are transferred to the United States. This country is not considered by the EU Commission as providing an adequate level of protection. We ensure all data transfers comply with applicable legal requirements by executing contractual agreements with appropriate contractual protections in compliance with article 46 of the GDPR.

IX. Notification of changes 

 WEFCOS may amend this privacy, to take into account evolutions of the Website Event’s functionalities, the services offered as well as laws applicable to WEFCOS. These changes and updates apply to users, who must therefore regularly check this section and check the applicable Privacy Policy. If you wish to save this text, please mark the entire statement (e.g. with your mouse) and copy-paste by pushing ctrl-c. 

X. Further Information

 If you consider that we are not complying with this Privacy Policy or if you have any questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, please contact privacyofficer@publicisgroupe.com.  


The purpose of this Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”) is to inform you about the collection and use of cookies collected when browsing the public website event https://events.womens-forum.com/women-s-forum-global-meeting-2023 (the “Website Event”). The Website Event is edited by WEFCOS., a joint stock company located 133 Avenue des Champs Elysées – 75008 Paris, registered with the Paris Business and Companies’ Registry no. 481 681 823, is considered as the Controller of the Website Event, registered with the Paris Business and Companies’ Registry no. 481 681 823. We will ensure the accuracy of this Cookie Notice by keeping it up-to-date. Any changes to this Cookie Notice will be promptly communicated on this page and you should check back to see whether any adjustments have been made. 

A “Cookie” is a small file which is placed on your computer's hard drive when browsing on a webpage, reading an e-mail, installing or using a software or a mobile app. If you choose to accept Cookies, the file is added and the Cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular website. This data does not usually identify you directly, but the web application can provide you with a personalized web experience. They are usually used for the well-functioning of the Website Event and traffic analysis. In general, Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual.


The Website Event only implements Cookies strictly necessary for the functioning of the Website. These Cookies are essential to your browsing of the Website Event and its proper functioning. They allow you to use the features of the Website Event and the services you have requested.  
This Cookies Policy is subject to French law. WEFCOS reserves the right to amend or update its Cookies Policy at any time. As such, you are invited to consult this page regularly, since any browsing within the Website Event means you agree to the most recent version of the Cookies policy. A warning will be published and displayed on the Website Event when any significant amendment is made to this Cookies Policy.