Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Elisabeth Richard


Director of relations with civil society - Member of the French Equality Council (Haut Conseil à l'Egalité)


Elisabeth Richard is Director of Civil Society Relations at ENGIE, President of the Women In Networking by ENGIE network and a member of the French High Council for Equality. As part of her mission on gender equality, she has developed and implemented an ambitious policy that has truly positioned her company as a benchmark player on the subject for nearly fifteen years. In addition to the many high value-added actions of this policy, Elisabeth has supported the implementation of quantified targets in this area and the development of mentoring programs to help female talent emerge. She also helped mobilize networks around the EgaPro index of Muriel Pénicaud, Minister of Labor on equal pay. She was a member of the Labor Commission of the Grenelles des Violences faites aux Femmes (on the side of the Ministry of Labor), and accompanied the Rixain bill on the feminization of management bodies alongside Elisabeth Moreno, Minister for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunity. Elisabeth Richard was recently one of the 12 signatories of the Manifeste des Acteurs Economiques en France contre les violences. In June 2022, Elisabeth Richard was appointed to the Haut Conseil de l'Egalité (High Council for Equality), where she is a member of the Violence Against Women Commission. The daughter and granddaughter of entrepreneurs, Elisabeth is committed to ensuring that the voice of women is always stronger and more powerful, and that the values of solidarity, trust and benevolence are promoted to the highest level. Elisabeth Richard is a member of the Board of Directors of the ENGIE Foundation, a member of the Board of Directors of the France Télévision Foundation and of Capital Filles. She is Vice-Chair of the Collectif Ensemble contre le Sexisme, and Co-Chair France of the Global Summit of Women (American non-profit). Elisabeth Richard is a Chevalier de Légion d'Honneur (2022) and Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite (2015).