Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Luanda Domi

Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE)

Gender Mainstreaming and Cyber Skills Development Manager


Ms. Luanda Domi serves as the Gender Mainstreaming and Cyber Skills Development Manager at GFCE Secretariat. In this role, she champions the integration of gender perspectives into cybersecurity initiatives, ensuring that the sector’s evolution is inclusive and equitable. At the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), she manages the Gender Mainstreaming in Cyber Capacity Building portfolio, which includes the Women in Cyber Capacity Building Network (WiCCB). This platform offers opportunities for knowledge-sharing, workforce development, networking, and skill enhancement, while engaging donors to expand the network’s global impact. With over a decade of experience in cybersecurity policy, governance, and development, Ms. Domi has made significant contributions to strengthening critical infrastructure resilience against cyber threats. She has led the design and implementation of national security and cybersecurity strategies, often at the helm of multi-stakeholder groups that drive impactful change. Her influence extends to the parliamentary oversight of national security policies in Kosovo and the Western Balkans, where her insights have shaped good governance frameworks for security sector reform and oversight. At the GFCE, she also facilitates Working Group D on Cybersecurity Culture & Skills and the Western Balkans Program. Ms. Domi has led the design and implementation of programs in cybersecurity, critical infrastructure, security sector governance, and gender mainstreaming, working with cross-functional international teams. Throughout her career, she has held key roles in international organizations, including Deputy Country Director of USAID’s Critical Infrastructure and Digitalization Program and Project Lead for UNDP’s Whole of Society Digital Transformation initiative and as well as at the Geneva Center for Security Governance (DCAF) and the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office in New York. Her work has been instrumental in addressing emerging cyber threats and securing critical societal functions.

Session featuring this Speaker

Find here the list of the session featuring this speaker!
Oct 24, 2024
7:45 AM8:20 AM

Safe and inclusive online environments: Navigating protection and freedom

In the digital age, balancing online safety with the freedom of expression is crucial especially for women and minorities. This session focuses on creating welcoming and secure digital spaces where everyone can participate meaningfully. We explore strategies such as user empowerment through education, transparent content moderation, privacy-preserving security measures, and regulation. Policymaking must consider diverse perspectives and continually adapt safety measures to maintain this balance. How can we ensure that digital platforms remain inclusive and equitable for all participants?
Online Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 24, 2024
9:10 AM9:45 AM

Tech divides: Bridging generations for a healthy & inclusive digital World

As technology becomes integral to our daily lives, understanding its impact on intergenerational relationships is crucial. From young people to senior citizens, the connection between technology and social connectedness shapes our society. In an era of cyber attacks, mass surveillance, and evolving digital threats, fostering an intergenerational approach to technology use is essential. This panel will explore the benefits and boundaries of technology, emphasising the need for collaborative efforts to ensure the safety of all users. Join us for a compelling conversation on how we can create a safer digital and more inclusive digital world through mutual understanding and shared responsibility across generations.