Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Lucile Peytavin

Gender and statistics

Historian, essayist, gender equality expert


Lucile Peytavin is an essayist and holds a PhD in history. She co-founded the association Gender and Statistics. She is a member of the Observatory on Women's Economic Empowerment of the Women's Foundation and an expert in violence prevention for the Psytel consultancy. She published The Cost of Virility: What France Would Save If Men Behaved Like Women (Livre de Poche, 2023).

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Home Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
3:00 PM3:35 PM

Crafting the future starts at home: Opening more doors for girls and women

Every child deserves an education, yet 129 million girls worldwide are missing out on school. This session explores how the home environment plays a crucial role in youth and girls' development and education. From poverty and household chores to conflict and child marriage, girls face numerous barriers that often start at home. As school closures increase household burdens, girls spend more time on chores, leading to higher dropout rates. This discussion will highlight key principles, emphasising that education begins at home and should not rest solely on teachers. We will also spotlight global initiatives tackling these issues, ensuring girls can achieve their full potential. Join us to learn how to create supportive home environments that prioritise education for girls and reduce the barriers they face.