Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Alexandra Soto


Chief Operating Officer


Alexandra Soto is Lazard Chief Operating Officer, a Group Executive Director on the group management board, and a Senior Partner with over 33 years of investment banking experience. As a senior banker, she specializes in cross-border M&A transactions across multiple sectors and has spent her career between London and Paris. Alexandra has always combined advisory roles with operational roles, having been COO of Lazard Paris, COO of Lazard Europe, Global COO of Financial Advisory, and now COO of Lazard group. In her role as Group Executive Director, Alexandra has a primary focus on making Lazard the preeminent place to work in the financial services industry across all businesses. Alexandra has served as an independent board member on the Bull SA Board and Audit Committee, and subsequently sat on the Supervisory Board of Metro AG for five years. She has served on the board of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert and its Governance and Sustainability Committee since 2021, and currently sits on its Audit Committee. Throughout her career, Alexandra has dedicated time and effort on promoting women in financial services and social mobility through education, having worked at Fondation Euris in Paris and being a founding trustee of the French Scholarship Foundation in London. Alexandra is currently based in London.

Session featuring this Speaker

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Oct 23, 2024
1:25 PM2:00 PM

Imagining the Future of Work: Crafting Trust, Cohesion, and shared Values

The workplace plays a fundamental role in society. It offers a hub for collaboration and innovation, where ideas flourish and collective goals can be pursued. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, people often trust their employers more than politicians or governments. Moreover, embracing diversity and gender equity adds value to both the company and society at large. How can we cultivate practices that promote cohesion, equality and fairness among employees? What steps are needed to foster a sense of unity where all groups feel included and valued?