Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024

Fireside Chat: Reframing the News Through Women’s Eyes

Oct 23, 202403:00 pm - 3:35 PM
Media Lounge


If you’re tuning in to mainstream news, chances are you’re not regularly hearing the voices, stories and perspectives of women. Decisions are made in newsrooms that stereotype women, that sideline news about women as if it’s less-than, that omit women from the all-important story mix that makes it to the front page, or that evaluate women’s stories as “worthy” of coverage on the 9 o’clock news. This gender bias plays out around the globe. And it’s been that way since as long as news has been told. But it doesn’t mean we can’t change it. Enter The 51% (France 24), The Persistent, and Gloria Media— three media platforms that are changing the narrative around women’s stories and how they’re told. In a candid conversation, we will discuss how they cover the world with a gender lens. They’ll explore fresh ways to cover women and girls, talk about issues that need to be covered more urgently, and explain why when we put women at the center of the story, it can change the world for the better.

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