Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024

From macho to mindful: Positive manhood to transform our culture

Oct 23, 202410:25 am - 11:00 AM
Home Hub (Discovery Space)


Alarming statistics reveal the urgent need to address toxic masculinity. 37% of boys and young men struggle with mental health, yet half resist seeking help due to societal pressures. Schools with programmes addressing toxic masculinity see a 45% reduction in male violence. This panel will explore how traditional notions of manhood, defined by "don'ts" like “don't cry or walk away from a fight”, contribute to violence, mental health issues, and social isolation. We’ll examine the costs of toxic masculinity on relationships and society, and discuss challenging the gendered division of caregiving and household responsibilities. Join us to explore the transformative power of embracing new masculinities prioritising compassion, vulnerability, and connection.

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