Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Matt Jacobs

Wide Open Voices Ltd

Founder & Director


Matt is an Executive Coach and organisational development consultant with 25 years’ experience in equity, diversity, and inclusion. This experience ranges from working with those experiencing marginalisation to leading multi-million-pound programmes delivering impact at a city level. His doctoral research focused on the interplay between normative discourses of identity and the agency with which people rearticulate these discourses to preserve social position and privilege. He established WideOpenVoices to engage in existentialism informed work with leaders to understand and resist these normative discourses and develop authentic, inclusive ‘ways of leading’. He also provides coaching and organizational development services to EDI focused social enterprises and charities.

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Oct 23, 2024
10:25 AM11:00 AM

From macho to mindful: Positive manhood to transform our culture

Alarming statistics reveal the urgent need to address toxic masculinity. 37% of boys and young men struggle with mental health, yet half resist seeking help due to societal pressures. Schools with programmes addressing toxic masculinity see a 45% reduction in male violence. This panel will explore how traditional notions of manhood, defined by "don'ts" like “don't cry or walk away from a fight”, contribute to violence, mental health issues, and social isolation. We’ll examine the costs of toxic masculinity on relationships and society, and discuss challenging the gendered division of caregiving and household responsibilities. Join us to explore the transformative power of embracing new masculinities prioritising compassion, vulnerability, and connection.