Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024


Philippe Zaouati




A pioneer in sustainable finance, Philippe Zaouati manages Mirova, the management company that he founded in 2014 within the Natixis Group to put responsible investment at the service of environmental and social transitions. As a committed player, he chaired the Responsible Investment Commissions of the Association française de la gestion financière (AFG, the French Asset Management Association) and the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) and participated in the emergence of the sustainable finance theme in several international organizations, including the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). Being mindful of making the Paris marketplace one of the leaders in greener and fairer finance, Philippe Zaouati co-founded the Finance for Tomorrow (newly called (l’Institut de la Finance durable) initiative in 2016, which he chaired until 2019. In 2018, he became a member of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Sustainable Finance, which provided a basis for European regulation on this matter. After the Summit for a New Financial Pact in June 2023, Philippe has been appointed member of the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits co-chaired by Dame Amelia Fawcett in the UK and Sylvie Goulard in France. In addition to his professional duties, Philippe Zaouati has been contributing to the political debate in France and is committed to a profound transformation of the economic and financial systems. He promotes an impact economy that strives to preserve nature. He is also the co-founder of “Osons le Progrès” and “L’Union fait le Climat”, the think tanks aimed to unite citizens, associations, and civil society players who are aware of how critical is the need to take action for the climate and biodiversity. He is a board member of WWF France and a former board member of the Impact France Movement (2022-2024). Philippe Zaouati is the author of several essays, including La finance verte commence à Paris and La finance durable : sonnerie d'une seconde chance, as well as novels including Applaudissez-moi, Le Refus de Grigori Perelman and, in October 2022, Discours sur l'État de l'Union, published a few days before the American mid-term elections and the opening of COP 27. In 2023, he published a dialogue with the philosopher Dominique Bourg, La Finance face aux limites planétaires, published by Actes Sud. In 2022, with SoGood, he launched the "Billet Vert" podcast, in which he interviews key figures to decipher the issues involved in financing the ecological transition. Since 2023, he has hosted the "Point de bascule" column on SoGood radio. He teaches and lectures on sustainable finance at several schools and universities. He also works with young companies as a Business Angel.

Session featuring this Speaker

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Oct 23, 2024
12:50 PM1:25 PM

Navigating sustainability: From economic growth to environmental and social stewardship

Navigating sustainability presents a highly complex challenge as we strive to balance economic imperatives with planetary boundaries. Amidst global uncertainties, industries and economies must collaborate to foster cohesion on systemic issues such as advancing climate action and protecting biodiversity. Investment strategies must take into account the need for balance, as they have the potential of shifting economies for the better. This session explores how economies and investments can drive sustainable development while revisiting notions of value, prosperity, and collective wealth. Join us as we discuss pathways for balancing economic growth with global well-being.