Women's Forum Community

Community General Terms of Use 

WEFCOS, a joint stock company located 133 Avenue des Champs-Elysées – 75008 Paris, registered with the Paris Business and Companies’ Registry no. 481 681 823 (hereafter “WEFCOS” or “Us”), has emerged as the leading international platform for transforming the power of women’s voices and perspectives into forward-thinking economic and policy initiatives for societal change. 

 This Community https://events.womens-forum.com/womens-forum (hereafter the “Community”) is a collaborative site that promotes among its members (hereafter “You” or “Member (s)”) a culture of contribution and sharing according to their specific spheres of activity or interests about women empowerment. By visiting the Community, You agree to comply with the following General Terms of Use (hereinafter “General Terms of Use”). 

1. Site features

1.1 The Community and its alternative language versions constitute the whole and exclusive property of WEFCOS. WEFCOS, as publisher of the Community, grants any person who visits the Community a personal, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to use its content. 

 1.2 All content of any nature, including text, title, graphs, logos, icons, images, audio and video clips, trademarks, software, applications, information or illustration and features of the WEFCOS Community, appearing on the Community and on its various versions, is protected by copyright, trademark, and all other intellectual property laws, and belongs to WEFCOS as a company, or to authorised third parties. 

 1.3 By browsing the Community, You agree not to reproduce, summarise, edit, modify, alter, or redistribute, without WEFCOS’ prior authorisation, any text, title, graphs, logos, icons, images, audio and video clips, trademarks, software, applications, information or illustration and features, for any purpose other than strictly personal use. Any other form of use (e.g. for professional, commercial or redistribution purposes) without WEFCOS’ prior express and written authorisation is strictly forbidden. 

 1.4 You also agree not to extract all or part of the Community and/or its content for import and storage or for any kind of other purposes. 

 1.5 All hyperlinks linking to the Community shall be subject to prior express authorisation by WEFCOS. This authorisation may be withdrawn at any time by WEFCOS without having to provide any justification. 

 1.6 Third-party websites are not under the control of WEFCOS, which is in no way responsible for the content of these websites, the hyperlinks they contain, or the changes or updates made. WEFCOS provides these hyperlinks for convenience or information purposes, and the inclusion of any link does not imply prior approval by WEFCOS. The risks related to the use of these websites are the full responsibility of the users of the Community, who shall comply with the general terms of use of these websites. 

2. Access and availability 

2.1 By browsing the Community, You agree to comply with these General Terms of Use. 

2.2 Access to the Community is free, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of WEFCOS, and subject to possible failures and technical, maintenance, and resetting interventions needed for the proper functioning of the Community. 

 2.3 The community is accessible “AS IS”; WEFCOS cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages that may occur from using the Community, including loss of revenue, profit, consequential loss, clientele, goodwill, business, reputation or expected gain, time spent by employees or service providers or loss of opportunity. 

 2.4 You are solely responsible for the computer equipment or hardware and software (including browser) used for accessing the Community. You are responsible for taking all necessary measures to protect this equipment, including from any form of contamination by viruses, malware, worms, logical bombs, trojan horses, or any other element of code, file, program, script and/or malicious or harmful agent. 

 2.5 If the user of the Community is a minor, parents and any person exercising parental authority are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure the proper use of the Community and its content. Minors under the age of 16 must not use the Community without the authorization and permanent supervision of their parents or other legal representative.  

3. Community content 

Access to the Community requires prior free registration. The Women’s Forum Community is an inspiring and supportive community committed to raising women's voices, to gain knowledge on gender equity, make connections and have a real impact through inspiring content, chat space, affinity groups and more. 

4. Code of conduct of the Community

4.1 The browsing and use of the Community is based on the principles of professionalism and respect for its Members. The Community is a community composed of numerous Members with diverse profiles and backgrounds. Each Member must therefore be able to rely on the good faith and respect of his or her peers. 

4.2 By browsing and contributing to the Community You agree to: 
- not discriminate against any Member due to his/her culture, origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or any other feature.
- be honest and respectful in your communication and the way you address other Members; 
- be constructive; 
- share your good practices. The Community is a collaborative place of exchange where we expect the expertise and contribution of all. 
 - be clear and precise. Many languages and cultures are represented in the Community. We invite you to use English to communicate and be understood by the largest number of people. 

4.3 Each Member agrees not to publish (without this list being exhaustive): - Content that violates the rights of others (privacy, image rights, etc.) or that is defamatory, insulting, obscene or offensive or that violates the rights of children; - Content of a violent or pornographic nature or which encourages the perpetration of crimes or offences or which encourages discrimination and racial discrimination, suicide or revisionist and negationist behaviour; - Content whose purpose is to transmit commercial, advertising or promotional messages or propaganda; - Content containing advice or comments that infringe legal and regulatory provisions; - Content that infringes copyright or French droit d’auteur (notably rights to reproduction, representation or distribution of a work), trademark law or database law; - To reproduce, use and/or exploit, for commercial or other purposes, all or part of the content of the Community; - Extract or collect e-mail addresses or other information relating to Members, notably for the purpose of sending unsolicited communications. 

Finally, WEFCOS may edit or delete content that does not comply with these rules. Each Member is responsible for his or her own behaviour and actions. WEFCOS invites You to browse and collaborate on the Community in a professional and respectful manner. For any breach of these General Terms of Use or abusive comment that You may have noticed, We invite You to contact WEFCOS at the address: WF-Office@womens-forum.com. In the event of a breach of the above principles, WEFCOS reserves the right to suspend your access to the site permanently or for a period defined in light of the breaches committed. 

5. Personal data

Access to the Community and the use of certain features require that You provide us with certain personal data. 

 The conditions under which WEFCOS processes your personal data, in accordance with the provisions set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, applicable from 25 May 2018, and the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended, are defined in our privacy policyhere

6. Cookies

WEFCOS uses cookies on its Community. A description of cookies and similar technologies used on the Community can be found in the Community’s Cookies Policy : here

7. Miscellaneous 

6.1 For any questions or additional information, You can contact Us: 
 - By writing to the following postal address: WEFCOS – 133 Avenue des Champs Elysées – 75008 Paris – France
 -By email : WF-Office@womens-forum.com
 - By telephone: +33144437218

 6.2 The Community, https://events.womens-forum.com/womens-forum, alternate language versions, and structure, may be subject to modifications and developments without any form of notification. WEFCOS reserves the right to unilaterally modify these General Terms of Use, without prejudice to your rights. We recommend that you consult our General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookies Policy on a regular basis. 

 6.3 In the case where one of the provisions contained in these conditions is deemed to be void as a result of a current or future legal or regulatory provision, or as a result of a legal decision that has the force of res judicata and is issued by a competent jurisdiction or body, this provision of the General Terms of Use shall be considered to be void but all other provisions of these General Terms of Use remain enforceable between WEFCOS and the user of the Community.

6.4 The Community, including these General Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookies Policy, are subject to French law, both in substance and form. 

 6.5 These General Terms of Use were originally drawn up in English. In case of differences or contradictions between linguistic versions, only the English version of the General Terms of Use shall apply.  

8. User Account deletion

 How do I delete my user account on the community?