Women's Forum Global Meeting 2024



All Sessions

Oct 23Oct 24
Oct 23, 2024
7:00 AM7:40 AM

Opening speeches and keynotes

Welcome speech by Charlotte Kan, MC, Nannette LaFond Dufour, President of the Women's Forum and Leïla Grison, Leadership Team, Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society. Opening Speech by Yaël Braun-Pivet, President, National Assembly of France. Keynote - Polarisation on the Rise: Preserving peaceful societies by Siyabulela Mandela.
Oct 23, 2024
7:55 AM8:20 AM

Fuelling healthy democracies: What role for women?

A healthy democracy is a society and a system in which all citizens can express their full potential and contribute to fair progress. When women participate in the workforce, economies grow, and participation of women in politics increases cooperation, foster better relationship with all segments of society and long-term peace. In this session we will explore how meaningfully involving women in the economy and governance creates healthier and better functioning societies based on democracy and genuine representation.
Oct 23, 2024
8:35 AM9:10 AM

Unity without uniformity: How can tech and AI champion diversity?

As AI and smart algorithms advance, concerns about gender equality and diverse representation are mounting. Biases can reinforce harmful narratives and limit diverse perspectives in tech. Championing diversity in tech is critical. A diverse team brings varied viewpoints essential to developing inclusive and innovative technologies. By embracing diversity in gender, age, ethnicity, and perspectives in the workforce, we can foster innovations that not only promote critical thinking and dialogue, but also make sure the tech sector becomes a true vector of inclusion.
Oct 23, 2024
9:30 AM9:40 AM

Keynote - We can all be a force for peace

In times of conflict and war, women often labour unseen, yet their efforts are pivotal in ending conflicts, as well as reuniting and healing fractured communities. Their distinct approaches to conflict resolution not only yield immediate results but also foster lasting peace. Discover firsthand how women are leading the charge towards enduring peace, challenging stereotypes, and inspiring change.
Oct 23, 2024
9:50 AM10:15 AM

Conversion on global health: finding a path to collective healing

In 2020 the world had to come together to face the biggest pandemic in modern history. To be overcame, it required a spirit of collaboration, solidarity and resilience. In today’s world the status of global health is not out of all risks. The lesson learned from 2020 is that in order to keep the planet healthy and safe we need to keep fostering collaboration in the field research, in innovation, and open up a discussion on how some types of health, like mental health, have been too often underestimated and stigmatized especially for minorities. In 2024 some key questions remain: how do we keep fostering a sense of solidarity and collaboration in crucial sectors like that of health? How do we build collective resilience in the face of all the challenges we are facing? And how do we create a conversation about healing as a collective?
Work Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
10:25 AM11:00 AM

Addressing the complexity of violence in the workplace

Workplace toxicity and biases significantly impact employee well-being and organisational success, with 60% of employees experiencing toxic behaviour and 76% citing it as a reason for leaving a job. Women, in particular, face higher rates of discrimination, hampering their career growth and overall company performance. This session, designed in depth with its participants, will explore the ways in which violence can be tacked in the workplace and also how organisations can protect women against domestic violence. Some expert recommendations will be formulated in order to pave the way to concrete action against violence and harassment.
Home Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
10:25 AM11:00 AM

From macho to mindful: Positive manhood to transform our culture

Alarming statistics reveal the urgent need to address toxic masculinity. 37% of boys and young men struggle with mental health, yet half resist seeking help due to societal pressures. Schools with programmes addressing toxic masculinity see a 45% reduction in male violence. This panel will explore how traditional notions of manhood, defined by "don'ts" like “don't cry or walk away from a fight”, contribute to violence, mental health issues, and social isolation. We’ll examine the costs of toxic masculinity on relationships and society, and discuss challenging the gendered division of caregiving and household responsibilities. Join us to explore the transformative power of embracing new masculinities prioritising compassion, vulnerability, and connection.
Society Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
10:25 AM11:00 AM

Half the world goes to polls in 2024: Ensuring women's voices are heard

In a year marked by pivotal elections worldwide, gender equality and women's participation in politics are at the forefront of the geopolitical agenda. This panel explores the critical roles of activism in amplifying women's voices and ensuring their rights are prioritised. With mainstream parties pushing for gender progress and some radical forces advocating traditional roles, women's rights, bans for reproductive rights etc. Join us to discuss strategies for effective political representation and how to create inclusive spaces for conciliation, where women's voices are heard and catalysed into action.
Online Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
10:25 AM11:00 AM

Rising Talents: Women Pioneering Tech-driven Change

The tech industry, historically male-dominated, is witnessing a transformative shift. According to the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), women now make up 26% of the tech workforce—a 5% increase over the past five years. Women are emerging as powerful forces, driving innovation and progress in both fledgling startups and established tech giants. From robotics to AI, they are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge technologies that promise breakthroughs across various industries. Despite the booming digital technology sector, women still represent only 27% of those employed in digital professions and a mere 15% in tech-specific roles. Join us to celebrate and learn from the Rising Talents who are redefining the tech industry and leading us into the future.
Oct 23, 2024
12:00 PM12:40 PM

The mother of all reconciliations: Caring for our planet

In an era defined by environmental crises, our disconnection from nature underscores the urgent need to integrate science, culture, and emotional connections to foster a renewed relationship with our planet. All voices, especially those of women, are pivotal in uniting for the preservation of Earth. Inclusive dialogue means actively engaging marginalised communities, indigenous groups, and diverse stakeholders in decision-making processes. By amplifying these voices and integrating their insights into environmental strategies, we can build more equitable and effective responses to the challenges facing our world and the threats we pose to nature.
Oct 23, 2024
12:50 PM1:25 PM

Navigating sustainability: From economic growth to environmental and social stewardship

Navigating sustainability presents a highly complex challenge as we strive to balance economic imperatives with planetary boundaries. Amidst global uncertainties, industries and economies must collaborate to foster cohesion on systemic issues such as advancing climate action and protecting biodiversity. Investment strategies must take into account the need for balance, as they have the potential of shifting economies for the better. This session explores how economies and investments can drive sustainable development while revisiting notions of value, prosperity, and collective wealth. Join us as we discuss pathways for balancing economic growth with global well-being.
Oct 23, 2024
1:25 PM2:00 PM

Imagining the Future of Work: Crafting Trust, Cohesion, and shared Values

The workplace plays a fundamental role in society. It offers a hub for collaboration and innovation, where ideas flourish and collective goals can be pursued. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, people often trust their employers more than politicians or governments. Moreover, embracing diversity and gender equity adds value to both the company and society at large. How can we cultivate practices that promote cohesion, equality and fairness among employees? What steps are needed to foster a sense of unity where all groups feel included and valued?
Work Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
2:20 PM2:55 PM

Bridging the divide: Tackling wage gap and ageism

Women have made significant strides in education, workforce participation, and earnings, yet they still face a persistent wage gap and ageism, especially after age 45. This session explores the critical need for financial literacy and solid retirement planning for women, who tend to live longer than men but often feel less confident managing finances. We will highlight examples of companies implementing effective solutions to combat wage inequality and ageism, providing strategies to empower women financially and ensure equal job opportunities at every stage of their careers. Join us to learn how to break these barriers and foster an inclusive workplace.
Home Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
2:20 PM2:55 PM

Inclusion: The Transformative Power of Sport by Deloitte

Sports can have a transformative impact on people, communities, and society. It has power to foster unity by bringing people together, to accelerate inclusion through breaking down barriers, and to act as a catalyst to drive societal change. The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games delivered an incredible celebration of sport and human potential this summer and its impact and legacy will be far reaching. This session looks at the power of sport to transform lives and how we can utilise it as a platform to move the world forward, and the lessons we can take from it to further inclusion.
Online Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
2:20 PM2:55 PM

Redefining Beauty: Tackling body shaming to reconcile women with their body

The push for better representation of diverse bodies in media is urgent. With celebrities like Jameela Jamil leading against body shaming, the movement is gaining momentum but needs collective responsibility, especially from the media industry. Studies show 71% of consumers believe health and beauty brands should use diverse models, and 65% consider a brand's commitment to true diversity when making purchases. This session will explore the importance of media representation, the consequences of neglecting it, and strategies for advertisers and media owners. Join us to learn how to foster body positivism and create a more inclusive media landscape for women.
Society Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
2:30 PM3:05 PM

Women Entrepreneurs for Good Pitching Contest: Reweaving the Fabric of Society, One Venture at a Time (1/2)

The Women's Forum proudly presents "Women Entrepreneurs for Good," a panel showcasing how women-led ventures are revolutionising society. This unique accelerator program supports women entrepreneurs at the early stages of their journey, providing them with resources, coaching, and exposure to a global network. Discover the untold history of these female entrepreneurs and learn how most female founders are solving problems previously overlooked in numerous fields including health, tech, climate, finance, education and more. Join us in exploring how women entrepreneurs are transforming the world, one venture at a time.
Home Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
3:00 PM3:35 PM

Crafting the future starts at home: Opening more doors for girls and women

Every child deserves an education, yet 129 million girls worldwide are missing out on school. This session explores how the home environment plays a crucial role in youth and girls' development and education. From poverty and household chores to conflict and child marriage, girls face numerous barriers that often start at home. As school closures increase household burdens, girls spend more time on chores, leading to higher dropout rates. This discussion will highlight key principles, emphasising that education begins at home and should not rest solely on teachers. We will also spotlight global initiatives tackling these issues, ensuring girls can achieve their full potential. Join us to learn how to create supportive home environments that prioritise education for girls and reduce the barriers they face.
Media Lounge
Oct 23, 2024
3:00 PM3:35 PM

Fireside Chat: Reframing the News Through Women’s Eyes

If you’re tuning in to mainstream news, chances are you’re not regularly hearing the voices, stories and perspectives of women. Decisions are made in newsrooms that stereotype women, that sideline news about women as if it’s less-than, that omit women from the all-important story mix that makes it to the front page, or that evaluate women’s stories as “worthy” of coverage on the 9 o’clock news. This gender bias plays out around the globe. And it’s been that way since as long as news has been told. But it doesn’t mean we can’t change it. Enter The 51% (France 24), The Persistent, and Gloria Media— three media platforms that are changing the narrative around women’s stories and how they’re told. In a candid conversation, we will discuss how they cover the world with a gender lens. They’ll explore fresh ways to cover women and girls, talk about issues that need to be covered more urgently, and explain why when we put women at the center of the story, it can change the world for the better.
Work Hub (Discovery Space)
Oct 23, 2024
3:00 PM3:35 PM

Promoting Women in Tech by AXA

In 2024, women only account for about 25% of the tech workforce. Women face numerous challenges in the workplace, especially in male-dominated environment like tech, including gender bias, imposter syndrome and non-inclusive behaviours. Come and discover the initiatives implemented by AXA Group Operations to promote women in tech and contribute to reducing the gender-gap.
Oct 23, 2024
3:55 PM4:30 PM

Financial Empowerment: A catalyst for equality

Empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for making informed economic decisions and achieving financial independence is vital for achieving equality and social justice. However, women have often faced a subtle yet pervasive form of violence: economic discrimination. This type of violence not only impacts women's daily lives but also affects society as a whole, as true equality cannot be achieved if a portion of the population is financially constrained and unable to fully engage in the economy. To bridge this gap, we must provide women with greater economic access, financial literacy, and opportunities for independence and empowerment. How can we combat economic violence both on a small and large scale? What steps can we take to ensure that women are fully integrated into economic growth and societal development? And what role does each of us play in supporting their financial empowerment?
Oct 23, 2024
4:30 PM5:00 PM

Education, arts and culture to illuminate women’s futures

Education serves as the foundation for understanding, providing individuals with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to engage with diverse perspectives. Art, on the other hand, transcends language barriers, offering universal narratives that can resonate with everyone regardless of their background. When combined, education, arts and culture can catalyse meaningful conversations, encourage empathy, and cultivate a shared sense of humanity. Join us in exploring how educational programs and artistic endeavours are helping to dismantle stereotypes, build bridges between diverse communities, and empower individuals to feel a deeper connection to their surroundings.